Our positions at the May 9th, 2023 Historic Preservation Board

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MDPL’s Advocacy Committee has reviewed the following projects on the upcoming Historic Preservation Board agenda and offers our positions below. Please note: the lack of a position on a project does not indicate support for or opposition to that project. Have a comment about a project that you would like to share with our committee? Contact us.

To review the Historic Preservation Board Agenda, including public participation information: Click Here

  1. 603 East Dilido Drive
  2. 6747-6757 Collins Avenue
  3. 1677 Collins Avenue
  4. Meridian Avenue between Lincoln Road and North Lincoln Lane and Drexel Avenue between 16th Street and North Lincoln Lane
  5. 940 Ocean Drive


HPB23-0567, 603 East Dilido Drive

Current Site:

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An application has been filed requesting that the designation of Historic Single-Family Residence be removed from the property.

MDPL Position: We oppose the dedesignation of the single-family home at 603 E Dilido Dr. We believe that the property’s preservation is essential to maintaining the character of the Venetian Islands. We also also would like to point out that the major early additions to the home were designed by the same architect, Carlos B. Schoeppl, ensuring consistency in style with the original design. Removing the historic designation would set a dangerous precedent and potentially jeopardize the future of other historic properties in our community.


HPB23-0562, 6747-6757 Collins Avenue

Current Site:

Proposed Structure:

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An application has been filed requesting a Certificate of Appropriateness for the construction of a hotel building on a vacant lot.

MDPL Position: We support the project at 6747 Collins Avenue based on the City of Miami Beach staff recommendations. We hope that the fifth attempt to develop these vacant lots in North Beach is successful. We believe that this project will contribute positively to the character and viability of the North Beach Resort Historic District.

HPB23-0568, 1677 Collins Avenue

Current Site:

Proposed Structure:

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An application has been filed requesting a Certificate of Appropriateness for modifications to the east façade of the hotel building and modifications to the cabana building including the introduction of rooftop terraces.

MDPL Position: We support the project based on the City of Miami Beach staff recommendations. Upon reviewing the plans, we note that there is no bar counter or entertainment planned for the new 5th level rooftop cabanas. Given this, we believe that the project is in line with maintaining the historic character of the area and we are supportive of its development.

HPB23-0569, Meridian Avenue between Lincoln Road and North Lincoln Lane and Drexel Avenue between 16th Street and North Lincoln Lane

Current Site:

Proposed Structure:

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An application has been filed requesting a Certificate of Appropriateness for right-of-way improvements as part of the Lincoln Road Master Plan.

MDPL Position: We are supportive of the Lincoln Road Master Plan ROW Improvements and are eager to see the project move forward. We endorse both parts of Phase I, which include Meridian Ave and Lincoln Road. However, we suggest that the bike lane be extended through the Lincoln Road intersection. Currently, the bike lane ends just before Lincoln Road and resumes after, creating a potential safety concern. By addressing this issue, we believe the project will also enhance the accessibility and connectivity of the area.

HPB23-0570, 940 Ocean Drive

Current Site:

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Click to view the full City of Miami Beach Staff Report

An application has been filed requesting a Certificate of Appropriateness for the introduction of a glass wall system within the original public lobby.

MDPL Position: We are supportive of the after the fact certificate of appropriateness based upon City of Miami Beach staff recommendations. We commend the staff for their attention to detail and their concern regarding the condition of the terrazzo floor.

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