Our positions at the Apr 11 2023 Miami Beach Historic Preservation Board

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Our positions at the April 2023 HPB

MDPL’s Advocacy Committee has reviewed the following projects on the upcoming Historic Preservation Board agenda and offers our positions below. Please note: the lack of a position on a project does not indicate support for or opposition to that project. Have a comment about a project you would like to share with our committee? Contact us.

To review the Historic Preservation Board Agenda, including public participation information: Click Here

  1. 1745 Lenox Avenue
  2. 1501 Collins Avenue
  3. 4041 Collins Avenue
  4. 663 Alton Road
  5. 829 4th Street
  6. 1245 Michigan Avenue


HPB23-0563, 1745 Lenox Avenue

Current Site

Proposed Structure

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An application has been filed requesting a Certificate of Appropriateness for the partial demolition and renovation of the existing single-family home including the construction of an attached rear addition and variances from the minimum setbacks and lot coverage requirements.

MDPL Position: We support the project based on the City of Miami Beach staff recommendations. We thank the applicant for their investment in this historic single-family home. The project is sensitive and compatible with the existing structure and surrounding neighborhood.


HPB22-0559 a.k.a. HPB20-0444, 1501 Collins Avenue

Current Site

Proposed Structure

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An application has been filed requesting modifications to a previously issued Certificate of Appropriateness for the partial demolition, renovation and restoration of the existing building, including the reconstruction of original interior floor plates and a variance to reduce the required side facing a street setback. Specifically, the applicant is seeking modifications to the original public lobby including the introduction of a bar area and a new fire-rated partition wall.

MDPL Position: We support this project based on the City of Miami Beach staff recommendations. We’re happy to see the modified plans which will keep the terrazzo compass rose pattern completely visible in the lobby of the historic Bancroft Hotel. We thank the applicant for this more sensitive design.


HPB22-0553, 4041 Collins Avenue

Current Site

Proposed Structure

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An application has been filed requesting a Certificate of Appropriateness for alterations to the hotel property including exterior and public interior modifications, the relocation of the existing 1930s home and the design of a new rear yard site plan including landscape and hardscape modifications.

MDPL Position: We agree with the City of Miami Beach staff that the new treatments proposed for the entry foyer are not consistent with the historic character of the building.

We are concerned about the moving of the historic single-family home to a less prominent position on the site. We agree with staff that the orientation of the home should be situated so as to maximize views from the public right of way.

HPB22-0560, 663 Alton Road

Current Site

Proposed Structure

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An application has been filed requesting a Certificate of Appropriateness for the construction of a new public library and health clinic on an existing surface parking lot.

MDPL Position: We support the project in line with City of Miami Beach staff recommendations. In particular, we appreciate the plan to relocate the live oak trees to a more prominent position.

HPB22-0561, 829 4th Street

Current Site

Proposed Structure

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An application has been filed requesting a Certificate of Appropriateness for the substantial demolition, renovation and restoration of the existing building on the site, the construction of an attached multi-family residential addition and a variance from the setback requirements.

MDPL Position: We have concerns about the demolition of the existing historic structure and maintenance of only a small part of that structure. This could set a precedent that may lead to further incompatible development within the neighborhood.

As for the proposed new structure’s design, we believe that it is not compatible as currently sited, and that it overwhelms the 1-story historic structure that remains. We agree with the staff’s idea to lighten the color of the window cladding to be more compatible with the existing structure. In addition, we would propose a green wall on the wall that is directly above the 1-story structure – with the intent of having a softer transition between old and new.

HPB23-0564, 1245 Michigan Avenue

Current Site

Proposed Structure

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Click to view the full City of Miami Beach Staff Report

An application has been filed requesting a Certificate of Appropriateness for the introduction of a temporary daycare facility within Flamingo Park located along Michigan Avenue.

MDPL Position: We lament the loss of the 6th Street Community Center, which the HP board approved for demolition previously. Understanding now that the day care needs a new home, and with seemingly no other available option, we support the design of the proposed structure which references historical Florida architecture – vs the trailers that we normally see for temporary structures. We hope this is only a temporary solution, and that the green space will be returned to the park once the day care finds a permanent home.

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