Shown are two archival 1947 magazine ads for The Cromwell and The Pancoast Hotels. These ads referred to “Selected Clientele”and “Carefully Restricted Clientele”, and offering “Congenial Companionship”. These catchphrases all appeared on colorful brochures advertising Miami Beach Hotels back in the 1930’s and the 1940’s. Sadly, they were code at the time for no Black or Jewish guests being allowed in their hotels. This discriminatory climate began to change slowly starting in the late 1950’s and early ’60s. However, it wasn’t until 1964 when segregation ended, that those phrases were no longer legally allowed on brochures.
1947 Discriminatory advertisement for the Pancoast Hotel at 29th and Collins Avenue
1947 Discriminatory advertisement for the Cromwell Hotel at 20th and Collins Avenue
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