Our Positions at the October 08, 2024 Miami Beach Historic Preservation Board

Read Time: 7 mins

MDPL’s Advocacy Committee has reviewed the following projects on the upcoming Historic Preservation Board agenda and offers our positions below. Have a comment about a project you would like to share with our committee? Contact us.

Please note: the lack of a position on a project does not indicate support for or opposition to that project. To review the Historic Preservation Board Agenda, including public participation information: Click Here

  1. 2901-2911 Indian Creek Drive
  2. 1535-1545 Collins Avenue
  3. 947 Lincoln Road
  4. Citywide Digital Information Kiosks
  5. Ocean Terrace between 73rd Street and 75th Street including portions of 73rd, 74th and 75th Streets, Ocean Terrace Park


HPB24-0626 a.k.a. HPB20-0379, 2901-2911 Indian Creek Drive

Current Site

Proposed Structure

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An application has been filed requesting modifications to a previously issued Certificate of Appropriateness the total demolition of two existing buildings, the renovation, restoration and relocation of one existing building, the construction of a detached residential addition and multiple variances from the required pedestal and tower setbacks and to exceed the maximum projection allowed in required yards. Specifically, the applicant is requesting approval for the total demolition and reconstruction of the building previously approved to be retained and relocated on the site.

MDPL Position: This project has been celebrated in press and by the community as a potential solution for resiliency and historic preservation. MDPL has supported the project despite concerns about demolition of existing structures on the site.

With the latest proposal, the applicant requests more demolition than originally approved. While we have reviewed the structural engineer’s concern regarding relocating the structure, we can’t help but think that an independent report about the viability of relocation – with less demolition – would be helpful in the decision-making process.

While our ideal would be for the existing structure to be moved and restored in full, if this turns out not to be possible, then we support the reconstruction – assuming that the new structure is a comprehensive reproduction and incorporates the architectural features that are salvaged, such as the Art Deco stairs.


HPB24-0623, 1535-1545 Collins Avenue

Current Site

Proposed Structure

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An application has been filed requesting a Certificate of Appropriateness for the partial demolition and renovation of the building located at 1545 Collins Avenue and site improvements.

MDPL Position: We appreciate the comprehensive investments being made to the hotel, which will include significant restoration within the lobby and common areas.

As for the proposed change to the entry driveways, we side with the City of Miami Beach staff in opposing the change. This would be a reconfiguration of a historical entry, and we believe that maintaining this is important for preserving the historical nature of the property. We concur with the City of Miami Beach staff, that traffic and queuing issues may be resolved in another way.

HPB24-0625, 947 Lincoln Road

Current Site

Proposed Structure

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An application has been filed requesting a Certificate of Appropriateness for the renovation of the existing building including façade modifications.

MDPL Position: We are thankful for the applicant’s proposal to bring back to life a historic structure neglected by its owners for far too long. We welcome the Mr Nice Guy concept to Lincoln Road.

However, we have concerns regarding the proposed removal of the corner entry door, which goes back to the Art Deco renovation of the property by L. Murray Dixon (see slide from the applicants prior presentation below). We have spoken with the prospective tenant and they have expressed a willingness to consider keeping the door, or making an homage to the door if it must be filled in with a solid wall. We hope the Historic Preservation Board will consider seriously the impact of removing a main entrance and how the property meets the public and the street.


Finally, we strongly encourage the placement of awnings on the Michigan Avenue side of the street, not just on Lincoln Road. This will add more symmetry to the proposal while offering a much-needed canopy for guests during a rain event.

HPB24-0631, Citywide Digital Information Kiosks.

Proposed Locations

Proposed Structure

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An application has been filed requesting a Certificate of Appropriateness for the design of digital information kiosks to be installed within the right-of-way.

MDPL Position: N/A

HPB24-0633, Ocean Terrace between 73rd Street and 75th Street including portions of 73rd, 74th and 75th Streets, Ocean Terrace Park

Proposed Site

Proposed Structure

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An application has been filed requesting a Certificate of Appropriateness for the installation of an artistic sculpture with the park.

MDPL Position: N/A

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