Our Positions at the July 11th, 2023 Historic Preservation Board

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MDPL’s Advocacy Committee will review the following applications on the upcoming Historic Preservation Board agenda. Here is a sneak peek of the projects to be heard and links to learn more. Have a comment about a project you would like to share with our committee? Contact us.

To review the Historic Preservation Board Agenda, including public participation information: Click Here

  1. 7801 Atlantic Way
  2. 2457 Collins Avenue
  3. 833 6th Street
  4. 1529 Jefferson Avenue
  5. 2301 Normandy Drive
  6. 355 19th Street
  7. 745 Collins Avenue


HPB22-0540, 7801 Atlantic Way

Current Site:

Proposed Structure:

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An application has been filed requesting a Certificate of Appropriateness for the total demolition of the existing single-family home and the construction of a new single-family home.

MDPL Position: We appreciate the applicant taking the time to walk us through their proposed program. The new design is elegant. However, no attention appears to be given to the contributing historic home that exists on the site. Rather than explore a program that would honor the historic structure while allowing additional development on the site, the historic building has been overlooked as not being resilient or able to be preserved in any way whatsoever. We believe that more study is needed. There are ways to preserve the existing home through floodplain waivers and resiliency interventions.


HPB22-0550, 833 6th Street

Current Site:

Proposed Structure:

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Click to view the full City of Miami Beach Staff Report

An application has been filed requesting a Certificate of Appropriateness for the installation of the Apollo Mural on the east façade of the approved Fire Station building.

MDPL Position: While we continue to lament the potential impending demolition of the Morris Lapidus-designed 6th Street Community Center, we are pleased that the Jack Stewart Apollo Mural will have a second life in a prominent location within the Architectural District. Special thanks to MDPL board member Mitch Novick for his tireless advocacy when so many thought these murals could not be saved. Mitch took it upon himself to develop a path forward to protect and honor these pieces of history. We also thank the owners of the Versailles Hotel // Aman for putting up the funds for the restoration of the murals and the City of Miami Beach for its work on finding a new location.

HPB23-0576, 1529 Jefferson Avenue

Current Site:

Proposed Structure:

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An application has been filed requesting a Certificate of Appropriateness for the renovation and restoration of the existing building and the construction of a detached multi-family residential addition at the rear of the site.

MDPL Position: We support this project subject to staff recommendations. This is a good example of infill construction within a historic district and the renovation of the original historic building is also a plus. We think these projects should consider elevation of the historic buildings as part of the program… however, we understand in this case it was not a part of the plan. Overall, this project will bring much-needed residential housing to the neighborhood.

HPB23-0578, 2301 Normandy Drive

Current Site:

Proposed Structure:

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An application has been filed requesting a Certificate of Appropriateness for the partial demolition, renovation and restoration of the existing building, site improvements, the construction of an attached addition and variances from the required setbacks.

MDPL Position: We are so pleased to see the International Inn receiving the investment and renovation that it needs. We support the variance request for the power company transformer pad. We are thrilled that the property will be restored to its former glory, and this is a great example of working with the property owner alongside community partners.

HPB23-0581, 355 19th Street

Current Site:

Proposed Structure:

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Click to view the full City of Miami Beach Staff Report

An application has been filed requesting a Certificate of Appropriateness for the substantial demolition of the existing building and the construction of an attached addition, as part of a new hotel development and one or more waivers.

MDPL Position: We support the staff recommendations, understanding that the project was already approved in its current form after several rounds of design feedback and adjustments. Notwithstanding, we do continue to express concerns between the compatibility of materials and design between the existing and the new proposed structures.

HPB23-0582, 745 Collins Avenue

Current Site:

Proposed Structure:

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Click to view the full City of Miami Beach Staff Report

An application has been filed requesting a Certificate of Appropriateness for modifications within the public interior space.

MDPL Position: We are supportive of this project. It’s great to see new life being brought to this contributing historic structure.

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