Building Recertification Resources

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In light of the tragic building collapse in Surfside, Miami Design Preservation League’s Center for Resiliency & Sustainability has been communicating with various stakeholders and providing guidance regarding building recertification questions and resources. We share some resources below for your information. Questions, comments, feedback? Contact Us.

Building Recertification Process

The 40-year building recertification process is required in Miami-Dade County for all multi-family residential and commercial buildings with an occupant load greater than 10 and a size more than 2,000 square feet.

The Miami-Dade County Recertification of Real Estate Property website is the best resource for information about the process and its requirements: click here.

Individual municipalities will have their own forms and processes. Contact your municipality’s building department for more information.

Note: exemptions from requirements (as of 6-28-21):

“Single family homes, duplexes and non-residential farm buildings are exempt from recertification requirements.

All other buildings with an occupant load of ten (10) or less and two thousand (2,000) square feet or less are also exempt from recertification requirements.”

How to Locate Recertification Status for a Miami Beach Building

If your building is around 40 years old or older, you can look up your property to see its recertification status using the steps outlined below.

  1. Click to visit the Citizen Self Service website here:…/SelfService…
  2. Next to “Search” click “All” to display the list of options, then select “Permit”
  3. Once Permit has been selected, click the “Advanced” button on the right of the search box
  4. In the form below, find the section called “Permit” and click the dropdown, then select “Building 40yr Recertification – Building 40yr Recertification”
  5. For the Address, enter the address of your building (see search tip below)
  6. Click Search

If results are available, you will see them below. Search Tip: use shorthand when typing the address, for example “ave” instead of “avenue” and “dr” instead of “drive”, etc.. Don’t include your unit number, just the building address number and street name.

If your building is over 40 years old and you’re not able to find it listed in the search, contact your HOA to ask them for a copy of their recertification documents. You can also check with the Miami Beach Building Department at the following email address: [email protected]

For municipalities outside of Miami Beach, please check the municipality’s website for Building Department information.

How to Report a Building Violation in Miami Beach

Please visit the following page on the City of Miami Beach website, click here.

List of Miami Beach Buildings with Expired Recertifications as of 6-30-21 (data compiled from City of Miami Beach website on 6-28-21)

List of Miami Beach Buildings Approaching or Recently Past 40-Year Construction Date

Below is a list being compiled by staff and volunteers at the Center for Resiliency and Sustainability. The list includes preliminary data from the property appraiser which has been organized by year built along with what we’ve found regarding recertification status on the City of Miami Beach self-service portal. Buildings listed range in age from 1979 through 1994, from a few years older than the required 40-year recertification to those which are not yet required to be recertified but which are approaching the 40-year date. Given multiple requests for more information on buildings of this age, we share this for educational purposes only.

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