Our positions at the May 11th 2021 Miami Beach Historic Preservation Board

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MDPL’s Advocacy Committee has reviewed the following applications and offers our below positions. Please note, the lack of a position on a project does not indicate support or opposition to that project.

Editors Note: Items with blue highlight were shared previously, while items with yellow highlight are new/updated positions.

Full HPB Board Agenda link, including public participation information: click here.

Modifications to Previously Approved Board Order

HPB20-0441, 3425 Collins Ave, Versailles Hotel

An application has been filed requesting modifications to a previously issued Certificate of Appropriateness for the partial demolition renovation and restoration of the existing 16-story hotel building, including the total demolition of the 1955 south addition, and the construction of a new 16-story detached ground level addition. Specifically, the applicant is requesting approval of redesigned site and landscape plans including the introduction of several structures within the front and rear of the site and variances from the requirements of the Oceanfront and Dune Preservation overlay districts and a variance to reduce the required front setback.

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MDPL Advocacy Position 5/11/21

We support the City Staff Recommendations and proposed conditions for the project

HPB21-0451, 3425 Collins Avenue, Versailles Hotel

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An application has been filed requesting modifications to a previously issued Certificate of Appropriateness for the partial demolition renovation and restoration of the existing 16-story hotel building, including the total demolition of the 1955 south addition, and the construction of a new 16-story detached ground level addition. Specifically, the applicant is requesting approval for the excavation and construction of a 2-level basement below the Versailles Hotel building.

MDPL Advocacy Position 5/11/21

We support the City Staff Recommendations and proposed conditions for the project

HPB21-0455, 1052 Ocean Drive, Palace Bar

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An application has been filed requesting modifications to a previously issued Certificate of Appropriateness for the partial demolition, alteration and modification of three existing buildings and the construction of a new 4-story building. Specifically, the applicant is requesting to modify conditions of the order relating to the operation of the rooftop.

MDPL Advocacy Position 5/11/21

MDPL opposes the approval of this modification request. We do not support removing the existing restriction on a rooftop bar which was part of the original approved project many years ago. We believe the conditions on rooftop activation should be maintained as originally approved, until there are better protections in place to protect nearby residents from the potential negative impacts of a rooftop bar.

New Applications

HPB19-0352, 1116 Ocean Drive, Casa Casuarina

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An application has been filed requesting a Certificate of Appropriateness for the introduction of a glass elevator structure within the courtyard of the building.

MDPL Advocacy Position 5/11/21

We support the City Staff Recommendations and proposed conditions for the project

HPB20-0444, 1501 Collins Avenue, Bancroft Hotel

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An application has been filed requesting a Certificate of Appropriateness for the partial demolition, renovation and restoration of the existing building, including the reconstruction of original interior floor plates and a variance to reduce the required side facing a street setback.

MDPL Advocacy Position 5/11/21

We support the City Staff Recommendations and proposed conditions for the project. We look forward to seeing the historic Bancroft Hotel restored and adapted into Class A Office space. This project once again demonstrates the myriad of uses that our Art Deco buildings may offer – and that Class A Office space so desired by businesses may be accommodated within our historic structures.

We also urge conditions that will protect the quality of life of neighbors, in particular as it relates to the restaurant operations on the eastern portion of the site.

Finally, we suggest working with residents of the Drake to ensure a valet program which still allows for residential Zone 5 spots along the street adjacent to their building.

HPB20-0445, 306 Lincoln Road, CVS pharmacy

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An application has been filed requesting a Certificate of Appropriateness for the installation of illuminated signage facing Lincoln Road in accordance with the Lincoln Road Signage District regulations.

MDPL Advocacy Position 5/11/21

We support the City Staff Recommendations and proposed conditions for the project

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