Keith Haring at the Wham Bam on Washington Avenue (1988)

Read Time: 2 mins

Editors Note: The Barbara Baer Capitman archives “Historic Threads” project is partly sponsored by the Department of State, Division of Historical Resources and the State of Florida.

Found among the archives is PostMortem – a South Beach newspaper that ran from 1988-1990 and focused on arts and culture. A full-page ad announces a reception for the artist Keith Haring on Monday, May 2nd, 1988, at the Wham Bam at 437 Washington Avenue in South Beach.

Source: Barbara Baer Capitman Archives, PostMortem Newspaper, May 3, 1988

The artwork highlighted in the ad is entitled “Andy Mouse.” The Wham Bam included a satellite brand of Haring’s New York City Pop Shop.

According to the Miami Herald article, “A wide selection of his pop designs, from his portrait of Andy Warhol to his new Beach series, is available for 75 cents to $30 at Wham Bam of Amsterdam, 437 Washington Avenue, Miami Beach.”

Credit: Miami Herald, Sunday, Aug 21, 1988 “A Week’s Worth” Author: Elinor Burkett

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