from the Archives

The Great Hurricane of 1926

Read Time: 2 mins

These 1926 vintage photographs of the days after the “Great Miami” Hurricane were generously gifted to the MDPL in early 2018 by Alice McCollam Neary. Her father Hugh Kenneth McCollam was hired as an engineer for Carl Fisher after he graduated from Yale in June 1925. He was one of the pioneers that helped Carl Fisher dredge up Miami Beach’s dunes and swampland to make it the tropical paradise we know today. He was still working for Carl Fisher on September 19, 1926, when the Great Hurricane hit South Florida. The cyclone caused immense destruction throughout the islands and across southern Florida. It destroyed hundreds of structures in its path leaving thousands of residents homeless. After the storm, Hugh Kenneth McCollam was instrumental in the repairing and the re-building of Miami Beach. Unfortunately, he was permanently blinded while doing some metal work, which left him unable to continue his position. Alice McCollam Neary’s father passed away when she was only 20 years old.  She married the first cousin of George Neary, who recommended she donate these historic photographs to the MDPL. 

Front of Fisher Building, 846 Lincoln Road
Morning After The Great Hurricane
Nohab–Kaiser’s Yacht
5 men lost
Bay Front at 3rd–Beached Barges
Roof in side yard of Venetian Manor 934 Michigan Avenue
Morning After The Great Hurricane
Venetian Manor 934 Michigan Avenue
Miami Beach After The Great Hurricane

Ken's Ford- Side View Fisher Building, 846 Lincoln Road--Morning After

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Capitman's Cardozo Leads Way (1979)

Capitman’s Cardozo Leads Way (1979)

Read Time: 3 mins Andrew Capitman, son of Miami Design Preservation League leader Barbara Baer Capitman, was a leading Art Deco rehabilitation pioneer in the late 1970s and 1980s. In 1979, he purchased the Cardozo Hotel with a group of enthusiastic investors who believed in the resurgence of the city through the preservation of its past. Mr. Capitman instinctively knew that a 1930s revival would dramatically improve tourism.

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Six Art Deco Hotels Facing Renovation (1984)

Read Time: 2 mins In 1984, six hotels underwent major renovations that would mark the second wave of an Art Deco revival in South Beach. According to a Miami Herald article written by Paul Shannon on July 8, 1984, Royale Group Ltd. officials secured a $13.5 million loan to pay for the planned renovation, which included painting and refurbishing in the original Art Deco style.

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