MDPL’s Advocacy Committee will review the following applications on the upcoming Historic Preservation Board agenda. Here is a sneak peek of the projects to be heard and links to learn more. Have a comment about a project you would like to share with our committee? Contact us.
To review the Historic Preservation Board Agenda, including public participation information: Click Here
- 900 Ocean Drive.
- 1509 and 1515 Washington Avenue and 1500 Collins Avenue
- 3425 Collins Avenue
- InSAR Observations of Construction-Induced Coastal Subsidence on Miami’s Barrier Islands
- 2901-2911 Indian Creek Dr
HPB24-0628, 900 Ocean Drive
Current Site
Proposed Structure
Click to view the full City of Miami Beach Staff Report
An application has been filed requesting a Certificate of Appropriateness for modifications to the east façade of the building including the introduction of a glass canopy structure and a variance from the required setbacks.
HPB23-0591, 1509 and 1515 Washington Avenue and 1500 Collins Avenue
Current Site
Proposed Structure
Click to view the full City of Miami Beach Staff Report
An application has been filed requesting a Certificate of Appropriateness for the total demolition and partial reconstruction of two contributing buildings including the construction of a new addition, the partial demolition and renovation of two contributing buildings including the construction of a 1-story rooftop addition, the total demolition of a non-contributing building, one or more waivers and site improvements, as part of a new hotel development.
3425 Collins Avenue. A resolution in support of a Miami-Dade County Tax Exemption application for the restoration of the Versailles Hotel.
A resolution in support of a Miami-Dade County Tax Exemption application for the restoration of the Versailles Hotel.
InSAR Observations of Construction-Induced Coastal Subsidence on Miami’s Barrier Islands, Florida. Presentation by Esber Andiroglu, PhD, PE, LEED AP Director of Murphy Construction Program, University of Miami, Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering.
HPB24-0626 a.k.a. HPB20-0379, 2901-2911 Indian Creek Dr. Update regarding property maintenance issues, fencing and the status of the building permit for the project.